Browsing Publikasjoner fra Cristin by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 680
inn med kalvene... vekk med sykdommene
(Others, 1999) -
Har neosporose noen betydning i norsk storfehold?
(Others, 2001) -
Når kalven rauter
(Others, 2002) -
Litt om viruslidelser hos kalv
(Others, 2003) -
Lungeplasmacytose på mink
(Others, 2006) -
Mistanke om gjødselgassforgiftning - 16 dyr døde
(Others, 2007) -
En uventet og uvelkommen gjest
(Others, 2007) -
Muggsoppen Paecilomyces lilacinus påvist hos kjæledyr
(Others, 2009) -
Zoonotic diseases at the animal/human interface in the Arctic
(Others, 2010) -
Severe Allergic Reactions to Food in Norway: A Ten Year Survey of Cases Reported to the Food Allergy Register
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011) -
Parasite faunas of farmed cod and adjacent wild cod populations in Norway: a comparison
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2011) -
Et tilfelle av saltforgiftning (vannmangel) hos gris
(Others, 2011) -
Characterization of myocardial lesions associated with cardiomyopathy syndrome in Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., using laser capture microdissection
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012) -
Næringsmiddelbårne infeksjoner i 2012. Meldingssystem for smittsomme sykdommer (MSIS). Årsrapport
(Research report, 2013) -
Uttalt anemi hos storfe, forårsaket av blodsugende lus
(Others, 2013) -
Transcriptional characterization of the T cell population within the salmonid interbranchial lymphoid tissue
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Immune parameters in the intestine of wild and reared unvaccinated and vaccinated Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014) -
Intracellular growth of Mycobacterium avium subspecies and global transcriptional responses in human macrophages after infection
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Background Mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (Maa) and M. avium subsp. hominissuis (Mah) are environmental mycobacteria and significant opportunistic pathogens. Mycobacterium avium infections in humans and pigs are mainly ...